With all the time you spend laying on your mattress, do you know when the last time you cleaned it was? Many people may think that changing the sheets is enough because you never really touch the mattress itself, but sanitizing your mattress routinely is still essential. Let’s discuss why it’s important and the different ways you can sanitize your mattress.
Why you need to sanitize your mattress
Sometimes a spill or accident occurs on our beds, which warrants a deep cleaning and disinfecting of the mattress. This is an immediate need to clean the mattress, but mattresses should also be cleaned routinely to manage the buildup of germs, dust mites, dead skin cells, and sweat residue.
Your sheets do a great job with protecting your mattress from all this stuff, but they are not perfect. As you use your mattress, it collects these allergens, microscopic critters, and odors that get past your sheets. If you’re not cleaning and disinfecting your mattress, all of that is lying directly underneath you, which can have some negative effects.
If your mattress is full of allergens, you may find yourself waking up feeling stuffy and foggy. Not only can this start your morning off on the wrong foot, but it can also impact the quality of sleep you get, making you feel tired throughout the day.
While there are many causes of acne, including your diet, skin care products, and genetics, bacteria are another sneaky cause. You’re told not to touch your face too much, as your hands may spread bacteria that you touch to your face. However, bacteria can also reside on your mattress, and so when you sleep, they can come into contact with your face and cause breakouts.
Musty smell
Have you noticed a musty smell in your room that you can’t quite figure out the cause of? Your mattress might be to blame. When we sleep at night, any sweat we might produce collects in the mattress. If the mattress isn’t cleaned, that sweat residue can start to smell the more and more it sits and builds up, resulting in a room that smells not quite right. Not only that, but the sweat is a breeding ground for bacteria, which can lead to more skin problems.
How often should you clean a mattress?
It’s recommended to clean your sheets and bedding once a week, as these are the things that you touch directly while sleeping. As for your mattress, it’s a good idea to give it a deep cleaning every six months. By adhering to this schedule, your mattress will stay clean, and you’ll stay on top of all the above problems.
How to sanatize a mattress
Luckily, there are many different ways to clean a mattress, so choose the easiest method for you and the one that addresses any problems you may have.
Steam cleaning
This cleaning method is best for routine maintenance and sweat stains.
Cleaning your mattress with steaming does not require any chemicals, so this is a good option for those looking for a more natural method.
Run a handheld steamer across your mattress, being careful not to hold it in one place so long that it soaks the mattress. The steam will destroy dust mites and break up yellow sweat stains.
Foaming shaving cream
This cleaning method is best for stubborn stains.
If there’s a stain on your mattress that just won’t come out, grab some foaming shaving cream. Most shaving creams contain alcohol, which will help with the stain.
Spray the shaving cream onto the stain and let it sit for 20 minutes. Then, wipe away the foam and blot the mattress with a damp cloth. You will then want to rinse the treated area with a 50/50 mixture of water and vinegar. Allow the mattress to air dry completely before putting your sheet and bedding back on.
Antibacterial spray
This cleaning method is best for routine maintenance and sweat stains.
Grab a general disinfectant spray and gently mist your mattress. Again, you don’t want the mattress to become soaked. The disinfectant spray will kill microscopic dust mites and germs while also breaking up sweat stains. After spraying the mattress, blot it with a damp cloth.
You may want to open a window to help the mattress air dry. Make sure it is completely dry before putting sheets and bedding back on the bed.
Baking soda and vinegar
The cleaning method is best for routine maintenance, stains, and deodorizing.
This cleaning method is a two-part process that can cover most problems with your mattress. Start by pouring some vinegar in a spray bottle and lightly misting the mattress surface. It will likely smell strong, but it won’t linger once you move on to the second part. Let the vinegar sit for 10 minutes, then blot it with a dry rag.
Next, sprinkle baking soda on the mattress and allow it to sit for a few hours. The baking soda absorbs the vinegar, getting rid of the smell, along with any stains.
After a few hours, vacuum up the baking soda, and your mattress is clean and ready for sheets.
Enzyme cleaner
This cleaning method is best for stubborn stains.
You can create an enzyme cleaner using 8 ounces of hydrogen peroxide and 3 tablespoons of baking soda. Apply this solution to the affected area and allow it to sit for a few hours. Then, take a damp cloth and gently blot the stain. Allow the surface to air dry completely before vacuuming the bed and redressing it.
Cornstarch and baking soda
This cleaning method is best for deodorizing.
You can use either cornstarch on its own to absorb odor-causing bacteria, or you can combine it with baking soda for twice the cleaning strength.
Sprinkle a 50/50 mix of cornstarch and baking soda onto the mattress and let it sit for 30 minutes. After the 30 minutes have passed, vacuum up the cornstarch/baking soda mixture, and you are good to go.
The best way to clean a mattress
As you can see, there are many ways to clean a mattress, each best served for certain purposes. Because of this, you may need to use a combination of the above when it comes time to clean your mattress. Some methods help to deodorize, while others help to remove stains. The method you choose may also depend on what ingredients you have on hand.
No matter what methods you end up choosing, take satisfaction in the fact that you will get to enjoy a nice and clean mattress.