Are Fiberglass Mattresses Toxic? Learn The Facts Before You Buy Here – Natural Form
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Why You Need a Fiberglass Free Mattress

Why You Need a Fiberglass Free Mattress

Why You Need a Fiberglass Free Mattress

You spend more than a third of your life on your mattress, so it is essential that it contains materials that help you, not cause extra damage and harm. That being said, one such material that you want to avoid in your mattress is fiberglass. We’ll go over what fiberglass is, what dangers it poses to you, and what to look for when picking a new mattress so that you can choose one that is fiberglass free.

What is fiberglass?

Fiberglass is a very thin type of glass made by pushing molten glass through a nozzle with thousands of tiny holes. It can also be a type of plastic reinforced with glass fibers and other synthetic chemicals. This is the same fiberglass used in insulation that you’re not supposed to touch, for reference’s sake.

The fiberglass threads are so thin that they become very flexible, despite being made from glass. Fiberglass is also both light and durable, which is why some companies have added it to their mattresses.

Why do mattresses have fiberglass?

Fiberglass is a flame-retardant material and is especially common in memory foam mattresses, which are very prone to fire damage. If your room were on fire, the fiberglass would melt, helping to keep the mattress from catching on fire and spreading the fire to the rest of the house.

In most cases, fiberglass is embedded into the cover of a mattress for this reason, so that it can surround the flammable mattress. However, even though it may be “tucked away”, it can still cause damage to the user.

Why you need a fiberglass free mattress

Let’s go over the many complications that can arise from fiberglass in mattresses.


Fiberglass can be quite irritating when it comes into contact with the skin. This is because touching it can produce tiny, microscopic cuts all over the body, and these little cuts end up making you feel very itchy. With higher exposure levels, skin rashes can develop.

While that might not seem significant, if it comes into contact with your eyes, these cuts can cause some more serious damage.

Health damage

When fiberglass is exposed, whether because your mattress cover has worn out or gets removed, tiny fibers of it can break off and go into the air. This means you can potentially inhale these particles.

Since fiberglass can cause minuscule cuts on the skin, you can surely conclude that inhaling fiberglass can then produce these same cuts throughout the respiratory tract. This can not only be irritating but can also cause damage depending on how severe the cuts are. If the tiny fiberglass fibers make their way to the lower part of the lungs, they can cause even more severe health problems.

In addition, fiberglass fibers that are swallowed can cause stomach irritation.

Difficult to clean

One of the worst things about fiberglass is how hard it is to clean up once it has escaped from the mattress. Since it is so small and can break into tiny fibers, it gets everywhere. This includes the floor, your other furniture, your clothes, and throughout the air, which we already know causes health problems if inhaled.

This means that every item in your house can have fiberglass on it, causing you irritation no matter where you go or what you put on. So, not only is fiberglass a pain to clean up, but it can also be very expensive because the professionals need to ensure that every single surface in the house does not have fiberglass on it or embedded in it.

Signs of a fiberglass mattress

One of the worst things about fiberglass is how hard it is to clean up once it has escaped from the mattress. Since it is so small and can break into tiny fibers, it gets everywhere. This includes the floor, your other furniture, your clothes, and throughout the air, which we already know causes health problems if inhaled.

This means that every item in your house can have fiberglass on it, causing you irritation no matter where you go or what you put on. So, not only is fiberglass a pain to clean up, but it can also be very expensive because the professionals need to ensure that every single surface in the house does not have fiberglass on it or embedded in it.

Low cost

Fiberglass is popular within the mattress industry because it is a low-cost flame retardant that allows companies to meet their fire safety standards. But, as we know, these benefits are not worth it when it comes to the health and safety of everyone in your house.

If you see a very cheap mattress, it is more likely to contain fiberglass since fiberglass is a cheaper material. By using fiberglass, these companies can bring down the cost of their mattresses, making their product more appealing despite the potentially hazardous material they utilize.

"Do not remove cover" label

If you see this statement on the mattress label, it is likely because removing the cover will expose the fiberglass underneath. This is perhaps the biggest red flag of all, so be sure to avoid any labels with this sentence.

Polyfoam base memory foam

Authentic memory foam is typically very expensive. As a workaround, some companies use polyfoam instead as it is a cheaper material and can then provide the consumer with a more inexpensive solution. However, polyfoam may contain fiberglass and other low-quality materials.

Often, companies using this will still advertise their product as memory foam, so if you see a memory foam mattress that is cheaper than the industry standard, do a closer investigation to see if it is a true memory foam, or if it is actually polyfoam.

Not made in the US

The United States is stricter than most countries about what materials are used within mattresses, so if you see that a cheap mattress is not made within the US, that should be a warning sign for fiberglass. Other countries, such as China, may be able to produce cheaper products, which can be pretty appealing, but this is typically because their products are not held to the same high standard that is expected in the United States.

Final remarks

Shopping for a mattress can be hard under normal circumstances with all the qualities to take into consideration, and becomes even more daunting when you learn that fiberglass in mattresses is something to watch for and avoid. Fiberglass can not only get everywhere, resulting in a costly cleanup, but it can also irritate the skin and damage the respiratory system if inhaled. When mattress shopping, use the above tips to choose a fiberglass free mattress that you can sleep peacefully on.