Signs You Need a New Mattress | 14 Tips to Follow and Try – Natural Form
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14 Signs You Need a New Mattress

14 Signs You Need a New Mattress

14 Signs You Need a New Mattress

Mattresses are not designed to last forever. You are supposed to change it out every few years, with a flip or two along the way for comfort. This all depends on the type of mattress that you own, of course, but the general consensus is that you need to have a good, firm mattress if you expect to be comfortable and sleep.

If you’re wondering whether or not it’s time to replace your mattress, or even how to tell you need a new mattress, then chances are — it is. Your body will soon tell you whether you need a new one, and whilst there may not be a set rule as to when you need to make a change, it’s safe to bet that a mattress that is uncomfortable or shows obvious signs of wear probably needs to go. Along with wear and tear, a change in your sleeping arrangements or your health may also justify the need for a new mattress.

We all know that not getting enough sleep makes us feel terrible, and that getting a good night’s sleep can make us feel ready to take on the world. In recent studies, scientists have discovered that sleep actually plays a very critical role in improving our immune function, metabolism, memory, learning and other vital functions. Our health, wellness and quality of life is directly related to the quality of our sleep. Below, you will find 14 tell-tale signs that you need a new mattress, so that you know when to get a new mattress.

1. The valley in the middle

Sometimes called the dip, sagging, a mattress hammock, or the dent, almost everyone has experienced at least one mattress in their life that has simply given in to gravity and constant use and formed a permanent human-body sized valley in the center. For those who sleep alone, this is usually exactly in your favorite sleeping spot. For couples, the valley is usually where you snuggle together and your combined weight has worn down space in the mattress. One thing is always true when the valley forms, you will find yourself rolling into it no matter how hard you try not to and the edges of the valley mark where the bed makes its own shape instead of conforming to yours, which means more aches and pains. Also once the valley forms, there’s no un-forming it.

2. Your bed is hurting your back

You feel fine, except when you wake up in the morning. If you wake up in pain every day, your bed may very well be the problem. This is especially true if you wake up with the same pain every day and, once that pain gets worked out, it doesn’t return until you go to bed again. Mattresses can lose their ability to support your body properly long before you see signs of wear, so listen to your body and buy a new bed.

3. Time has passed

Research recommends replacing your mattress every seven to ten years, but this varies by manufacturer, mattress type, whether you sleep alone or with a partner, and how you sleep. If you’re a larger person, your mattress will likely wear out faster than manufacturer guidelines suggest. Mattresses were not designed to last forever, and excessive wear and tear will age a product faster. Inferior products don’t last as long, yet even the highest-quality mattress has a maximum lifespan and will eventually need replacing. If your mattress is old, that’s the first sign you may need a new one.

4. The need for clean

Not only does your mattress lose support over its lifetime, but it also accumulates oil, moisture, and dead skin. After some time, you need a new one – you can’t just throw the mattress in the washer, right?

5. It's noisy

Your bed shouldn’t be noisy, even when you’re tossing and turning. If you hear grinding metal or can feel displaced springs, it means that the foundation of your mattress isn’t strong anymore. This can cause issues with your sleep, your posture and your muscles.

6. You sleep better when you're not home

Another sign that you need a new mattress is if you find that you get a better night’s sleep on the couch, in a hotel bed, or in a friend’s bed. Your bed, not in front of the TV, should be where you can comfortably get a full eight hours of sleep.

7. Allergies are out to get you

A buildup of dust mites in old mattresses can cause allergic reactions such as a runny nose, sneezing, and an itchy nose, mouth, and throat. If you find that your allergies don’t go away even when the pollen levels go down, it’s probably time to think about investing in a new mattress.

8. You're body is changing

As you get older,or you have children, your body will need to be supported differently while you sleep. To help with pains, your bed should get firmer as you get older. This all depends on the individual though; whether you sleep on their stomach, side, or back. When going to pick a new mattress, bring your favorite pillow and test out the different beds in the position that you sleep in every night.


9. Low libido

A non-existent sex drive is one of the sneakier signs that you’re not getting good-quality sleep. And both night sweats and sleep disturbances—caused in some cases by a too-warm sleeping environment—are linked to a loss of libido. Not only that, but being in agony because your mattress isn’t supportive isn’t about to get you in the mood!

10. You're clean skin has gone bad

If you are struggling to fall asleep and stay asleep for prolonged periods of time, you may want to contact your doctor. Professional medical advice is always the best solution for being directed to identifying what you are struggling with so that you can be pointed quickly and accurately towards the correct solutions.

11. It smells funny

If after washing and changing your sheets every week something still doesn’t smell right when you’re falling asleep it may indicate that you need a new mattress. When you consider the number of hours you spend in bed, it should come as no surprise that over time it collects a lot of unpleasant bacteria and fungi. If your room is damp it may also develop mold.

12. Dust mites or bed bugs

If after washing and changing your sheets every week something still doesn’t smell right when you’re falling asleep it may indicate that you need a new mattress. When you consider the number of hours you spend in bed, it should come as no surprise that over time it collects a lot of unpleasant bacteria and fungi. If your room is damp it may also develop mold.

13. Lack of space

Although it is not a good idea to sleep with your kids and pets, it is a worse idea to also be cramped into the mattress with no sleeping space to relax. If you are constantly bumping into your spouse or partner and disturbing each of you, we suggest stepping up to a King or Queen size mattress, after all space is part of comfort. Just ask anyone who has lived in an economy apartment.

You spend about a third of your life in bed, and getting a good night’s sleep is crucial to better health. It can be tempting to “just live with” an old or inadequate mattress, but replacing it can lead to huge benefits for your sleep and health. If you have persistent aches and pains despite maintaining your mattress, talk to a health professional or specialist about what may be causing your symptoms.

14. You have experienced a significant change in weight

People often gain or lose weight during a mattress’s life cycle. This could happen if you have a surgery, accident, pregnancy, diet or as you age. Even if the mattress is in decent condition, what supported you or was comfortable 5 years ago may no longer do the trick if your weight has fluctuated up or down. If firmness or pressure points are the issue, you can buy a mattress topper as a temporary solution until you are ready to buy a new mattress. However, if the mattress is too soft or lacks support, a topper will do very little to help your sleeping conditions.