Falling Dream Meaning | Everything You Need To Know – Natural Form
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Falling Dreams Meaning

Falling Dreams Meaning

Dreams are an interesting thing, a time when the unconscious mind takes over, and any number of things can happen to us. One dream type that we commonly experience is falling, which often ends with an abrupt wake-up and a pounding heart. But, have you ever wondered why you have these falling dreams?

There can be many things to consider when you have a dream that you’re falling, such as the feelings you are experiencing that prompt the falling dream or even the way in which you fall.

Falling in a dream

In general, falling in a dream can signify that you’re holding onto something that is not in your best interests. Falling dreams are often associated with our hidden social anxieties, insecurities, and unstable situations. Essentially, stressful situations and feelings that take up a large amount of space in our minds.

Because falling dreams often result from a buildup of stress, they’re quite common, and most people have had many dreams of falling throughout their life.

Types of fallling dreams

Not every type of falling dream is the same. In some dreams, you may fall after attempting to hold onto something, while in others, you fall because someone pushes you. There is some interpretation to go along with these different types of dreams, so let’s dive into the psychological meaning of some different types of falling dreams.

Loss of balance

You are going through a period of significant instability and would benefit greatly from some grounding and reliability.

Falling on your back

You’re missing the support of those closest to you.

Falling on your hands

You’re responsible for caring for someone, whether a family member or friend, and you could use some help.

Falling on your side

You have to make a decision but are stuck between two important options.

Being pushed

If you were pushed by someone you know, you might have a similar personality component to this person. This part of your personality has been abandoned, and it requires care and attention.

Being pushed off something may also signify that you don’t feel secure with others.

Holding on

You’re struggling to maintain control of a situation that is slipping out of your hands. You may also be feeling emotionally drained by a certain relationship, whether romantic, familial, or friendly.

Lost grip

You’re used to controlling everything in your life, but you are starting to feel that you are losing control and barely hanging on.


Having a dream where you slip and fall may indicate that you are about to make a decision that could cause significant emotional impact and change.


Tripping and falling may be a sign that you lack self-confidence.

Why do I wake up with a jerk?

It’s estimated that 60 to 70 percent of individuals wake up from a falling dream with a muscle jerk or spasm. This is called parasomnia, or the hypnic jerk, and is a sleep disorder with symptoms of uncontrollable physical movement or verbal outbursts while sleeping. This disorder can include night terrors, but it can also include the sudden muscle spasm you experience when waking from a falling dream.

When you experience a hypnic jerk, it is because your body is responding to what is happening in your dream. Most of the time, when you dream your brain suppresses all movement of the body to prevent you from acting out your dreams. However, sometimes it doesn’t work quite right, which can cause a hypnic jerk.

How to prevent falling dreams

While falling dreams are not necessarily bad, they can be unpleasant, especially when they lead to a hypnic jerk. Not only can this be unsettling, but it can also impact the quality of your sleep.

The most common causes of nightmares are stress and poor sleep health, so if you want to prevent these dreams, focus on these two areas. Here are some tips that can help prevent falling dreams.

Manage stress

Not only can stress impact your physical health, but it also worsens your sleep quality and increases your chances of nightmares. To prevent this, work on managing stress throughout the day with activities such as mediation, counseling, and journaling.=


Exercising is yet another way to help relieve stress. You don’t need to do anything too strenuous, simply going for a walk can help reduce stress and improve your sleep quality.

Improve sleep hygiene

Focus on improving your sleep hygiene by sleeping in a dark room, removing all distractions, and staying away from any electronic devices for the hour before going to bed. These habits will help improve your sleep quality, which can also help prevent nightmares.

Limit caffeine, alcohol, and processed foods

Diet plays a prominent role in sleep quality and nightmare likelihood, so try to limit or avoid these foods/drinks when you can.

Keep a dream journal

As mentioned previously, our dreams say a lot about our emotional and mental well-being, even if it’s not as clear-cut as we might like. If you want to try and better understand the meaning of your dreams, try keeping a dream journal. With a dream journal, you can track your dreams, and you may notice patterns that appear with certain life situations.

If you choose to keep a dream journal, make sure to keep it beside your bed and write in it as soon as you wake up. Dreams can slip from our conscious mind quickly, so you will want to write down what you remember before the mind lets it go.

Final remarks

As with all dreams, the meaning behind falling dreams is not so simple. There are many different interpretations of falling dreams, but they typically revolve around some stressor in your life that you spend an increasing amount of time thinking about. Falling dreams can be unsettling, but they’re also a sign that your mind is attempting to work through something. Think about what is troubling you and try to address it during your waking hours.

You may not be able to prevent falling dreams completely, but reducing stress and improving sleep hygiene are great habits to enhance your quality of sleep and potentially reduce nightmares.